So on Saturday morning, very, very early, I will be flying to Sydney from the Gold Coast, the take a train from the airport to the closest train station and walk up to the Art Museum for the day :)
I am so excited to be attending this ETSY international event and meeting other Australian Etsy shop owners, all there to learn to achieve further success from their ETSY stores.
Making this decision I I began to relist 5- 10 listings every day, that were receiving views and sales; then I would make new designed items every 2-4 weeks, finally I added listings with combinations of items from my store with a slight discount and this took off a bit slow on sales at the beginning, but very popular choices.
Then I introduced discounts on multiple items in one order as follows:
3-5 items the purchaser would receive 10% discount;
6-10 items, would entitle the purchaser to a 15% discount;
anything more than 10, the discount would be 20%..
The combination of the above has helped the purchaser and myself :) The purchaser receives the quality items they require for a discount and I receive a sale !
Currently my etsy stores makes averages 2 sales a day within a day, which I feel is really good :) Compared to 1-2 per month before this.. Perhaps one day I will be featured in their Quit your Day Job blog! LOL
For now, I am happy to be working full-time as a programmer in Education (a rewarding job) and then do this etsy shop as side business (just as satisfying!). My next entry would probably be of the Sydney ETSY success event, so see you then..
Click here for the program, if you are in Sydney on the day and wish to attend, hope to meet you there.